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former US Marine, retired police; disabled.

Currently reading

Bacon: The New Organon
Fulton H. Anderson, Francis Bacon
Fulton H. Anderson, Francis Bacon
August 2011
reviewed: Maps of the Mind: Charts and Concepts of the Mind and its Labyrinths
love it.
Maps of the Mind: Charts and Concepts of the Mind and its Labyrinths - Charles Hampden-Turner
reviewed: Children of the Mind (Ender Quartet, Book 4)
the best of the Enderverse books, which began with 'Ender's Game'. . .admittedly i don't have them all. . .
Children of the Mind - Orson Scott Card
reviewed: The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick
not as good as 'VALIS', but still stimulating. . .
The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick - Philip K. Dick, Jonathan Lethem, Pamela Jackson
reviewed: The Door into Summer
Two things are constant: love and cats.
The Door into Summer - Robert A. Heinlein
reviewed: Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
. . .i know the feeling. . .
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - Philip K. Dick
reviewed: The revolt of the women; a free translation of the Lysistrata of Aristophanes ..
funny as hell. . .still relevant. . .but still suppressed in some areas because of sexually-repressive attitudes. . .
The revolt of the women; a free translation of the Lysistrata of Aristophanes .. - Benjamin Bickley Rogers;Aristophanes Aristophanes
reviewed: The Ayes of Texas
okay, okay. . .so i believe in the Republic of Texas more than the U.S. . .this is one nice book about a US-Texas-USSR confli...
The Ayes of Texas - Daniel Da Cruz
reviewed: The Way of the Myth: Talking with Joseph Campbell (Shambhala Pocket Classics)
wonderful. . .includes many stories, including those of Native American societies. . .brilliantly explores concepts of the ma...
The Way of the Myth: Talking with Joseph Campbell (Shambhala Pocket Classics) - Fraser Boa
reviewed: Texas Triumphant
part 3 of the Texas Trilogy, the Republic of Texas deals with those pesky Americans and Soviets for the final time. They won...
Texas Triumphant - Daniel Da Cruz
reviewed: Texas On the Rocks
in a world which is losing its sources of fresh water (soomething that's actually happening now), a maverick of the Texan Rep...
Texas On the Rocks - Daniel Da Cruz
July 2011
reviewed: Myths to Live By
my favorite Campbell book. . .i especially loved the chapters on the Mythologies of War & Zen. . .
Myths to Live By - Joseph Campbell, Johnson E. Fairchild